Engineers who are involved in product design and manufacture of computer-aided should have enough knowledge in circuit and auto cad electronic design.
He or she should have mother board, voltage in or out extra. Person who develops should enough knowledge on circuit design which capacitor, resistance and voltage and processor capacity.
Each design they have first simulates and tested and result should be recorded. On simulation test success design is made.
There is third party software also available for design the circuit and gives the tested results as report.
To convert decimal to binary, you just count like normal, but instead of regrouping when adding 1 when you reach 9, you regroup when you reach 1.
in this case, you would count like this:
Answer: True
The definition of minimum spanning tree(MST) says that the graph must be connected and undirected to be considered for MST. It has (V-1) edges where V is the number of vertices. The minimum spanning tree is implemented using Kruskal's algorithm whereby it starts by considering the minimum weighted edge and covers all the edges upto (V-1) edges. So for MST it has to be connected
Is it Multiple Choice Question?
Answer:Following is the C program:-
#include <stdio.h>
int fun()//function fun of return type int and it returns value 6.
return 6;
int main() {
int a, b;
a = 10;
b = a + fun();//adds 6 to a.
printf("With the function call on the right, ");
printf("\n%d ",b);//printing b..
return 0;
With the function call on the right,
The function fun return the value 6 so it adds 6 to a and stores the result in b.