Lo que motiva a Benjamín Driscoll a plantar árboles en Marte es su deseo de permanecer en el planeta vecino y no volver a la Tierra, ya que a su cuerpo le costaba adaptarse a la falta de oxígeno.
hope is stoppable if you no longer have the will power or the drive bestowed within you to keep that hope or passion for hope burning inside. if you have no cause to fight for then you wont have a reason to fight. if there is unjust in the world,even if you are the only person standing who thinks it is wrong, if you have the passion and the hope burning within you and to keep it alive, it will never be stopped
Hi !
Which is detoxification?
<em>The process of removing all alcohol or other drugs from a person's body.</em>
If a friend, loved one or colleague became ill, you wouldn't hesitate to offer your help and support.