Winston writes in his diary that any hope for revolution against the Party must come ... to revolt; most of them do not even understand that the Party is oppressing them. ... Winston laments that the past has been left to the proles, who will inevitably forget it.
<u><em>Emperor Justinian</em></u><u><em>, I was a </em></u><u><em>master legislator</em></u><u><em>. He reorganized the administration of the </em></u><u><em>imperial</em></u><u><em> government and outlawed the </em></u><u><em>suffragia</em></u><u><em>, or sale of</em></u><u><em> provincial governorships</em></u><u><em>. He also sponsored the </em></u><u><em>Codex Justinianus</em></u><u><em> (Code of Justinian) and directed the </em></u><u><em>construction</em></u><u><em> of several new </em></u><u><em>cathedrals</em></u><u><em>, including the</em></u><u><em> Hagia Sophia</em></u><u><em>.</em></u>
<u><em>Hope this helps:)</em></u>
d. All of the above
<u>- He wanted to show the Aztecs that their religion was pagan and should be forbidden </u>
At that time, the Spanish empire believed that it was their duty to introduce Christianity to the people around the world. They tend to forced the territories that they conquered to adopt Christianity. At that time, Aztec has their own religion. Cortes was a devout and saw Aztec's religion as a sin.
<u>- He wanted to show the world that the Spanish securely controlled New Spain </u>
If he managed to create the perception, the Spanish empire will had an opportunity to take a way the resources that exist in the new Spain territory (this include the resources of the people form Aztec)
<u>- He wanted to show the Aztecs that their empire should no longer exist and was weak in comparison to Spain’s empire.</u>
For Cortes, Conquering an Aztec will strengthen the Spanish empire reputation. After hearing the fell of Aztec civilization, he expected other smaller tribes around the area will surrender to Spain without much of a fight.
The second level is the federal courts of appeals.
As the name suggests, those who believe that the district court has misapplied the law or abused its discretion in the handling of their case appeal to these courts.