The correct answer is The letter defends the strategy of non-violent resistance to racism.
The American Martin Luther King Jr. was one of the great icons of the 20th century. His great popularity was due to the leadership he exercised in the fight for civil rights of blacks in the United States of America, in the 1950s and 1960s. King had a great capacity to speak in public and to gather a large number of people in demonstrations. against the racial segregation laws of the southern states of the USA. For this characteristic, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. Four years later, his life was interrupted by the hands of James Earl Ray.
<h3>Dr. Money's view of gender identity development falls on the nurture scale.</h3>
- Traditional view of gender identify had a stance of nature. It was the biological factor that determined the identity of an individual according to traditional view.
- Dr. Money's view of gender identity development falls on the nurture scale.
- In his experiment we can understand that he tried to convince Joan/John for sex reassignment through numerous experiments of nurture such as by making him watch about male and female genitalia, spoke to him about women's biological features, suggesting him hormonal tablets, etc.
- It was all done in an attempt to convince him psychologically that he was a girl through the process of nurture.
A los humanos se nos clasifica entre los hominoideos, donde se incluyen los llamados simios antropomorfos (de forma humana) como los chimpancés, los gorilas, los orangutanes y los gibones. De éstos, nuestros parientes más cercanos son los chimpancés, luego los gorilas, y mucho más alejados los orangutanes y gibones.
Pero a pesar de grandes semejanzas, los seres humanos tenemos características biológicas distintivas como el cerebro más grande y la postura erecta que nos permite caminar en dos extremidades; además, la cara plana debido a la reducción de los maxilares, el dedo pulgar oponible más largo (lo que permite mayores habilidades de manipulación como la escritura, el manejo de herramientas, etc.), reducción del vello y cambios en las glándulas de la piel, ovulación críptica (que pasa desapercibida), desarrollo lento, inteligencia (pensamiento abstracto, categorización y razonamiento) y habilidad para hablar más desarrolladas, así como el uso, control y modificación del entorno.
También se nos distingue de nuestros antepasados directos por diferencias no biológicas a las que podemos llamar culturales, y que son típicamente humanas, como la fabricación de herramientas, el lenguaje simbólico, el saber que nos vamos a morir algún día, una organización social basada en la división del trabajo, el desarrollo de una capacidad moral y el establecimiento de relaciones afectivas más profundas y variadas. La cultura es una característica que incluye también a las instituciones políticas y sociales, al arte, la ciencia y la literatura, y en general todas las creaciones de la mente humana
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General Urquiza called a constitutional convention that met in Santa Fe in 1852. Buenos Aires refused to participate, but the convention adopted a constitution for the whole country that went into effect on May 25, 1853. Buenos Aires recoiled from the new confederation, the first elected president of which was Urquiza and the first capital of which was Paraná. The porteño dissidence was a serious financial handicap to the state, since Buenos Aires kept for itself all the revenues from customs duties on imports. In 1859 Urquiza incorporated Buenos Aires by armed force, but he also agreed to a constitutional revision that underscored the federal character of the government.
Before the unification took effect, however, Urquiza was succeeded in the presidency by Santiago Derqui. Another civil war broke out, but this time Buenos Aires defeated Urquiza’s forces. Urquiza and General Bartolomé Mitre, governor of Buenos Aires, then agreed that Mitre would lead the country but that Urquiza would exercise authority over the provinces of Entre Ríos and Corrientes. Derqui resigned, and Mitre was elected president in 1862; Buenos Aires became the seat of government.
The authority of the new president was progressively weakened by opposition within his own province of Buenos Aires. The pressures of this opposition forced Mitre to intervene in the political struggles of Uruguay and then to fight Paraguay in the War of the Triple Alliance. From 1865 to 1870 an alliance of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay carried on a devastating campaign against Paraguay, employing modern weapons and tens of thousands of troops.
The war with Paraguay did not disrupt Argentina’s commerce, as other wars had. In the 1860s and ’70s foreign capital and waves of European immigrants poured into the country. Railroads were built; alfalfa, barbed wire, new breeds of cattle and sheep, and finally the refrigeration of meat were introduced.