The end of the poem is ironic because it shows that the pirate caused his death, thinking he was being benefited.
We can arrive at this answer because:
- "The Inchcape Rock" shows a bell that was placed on a rock, to prevent ships from sinking when hitting that rock.
- This is because it was not possible to see the rock when it was raining.
- However, a pirate named Sir Ralph The Rover looted the sinking ships, but after the bell, the ships stopped sinking, which harmed his business.
- So the pirate decided to cut the bell from the rock and thought he was benefiting.
- However, on a stormy day, he could not see the rock and ended up hitting her ship, which caused him to sink and die.
In this case, the resolution of the poem is ironic, because the pirate caused harm to himself, thinking he was causing a benefit.
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(Como não falou o ato, posso somente deduzir) Olha, não tenho certeza, mas eu já li o livro:
Caríssimo Romeu,
Não se afogue em lágrimas por um improvável amor, procuras tu a razão: Não podes tu querer casar com uma família antagônica à tua. Mas se fores mesmo perdido de amor, posso-lhe fazer algo. Volte à minha residência, que lhe quero falar. Enviarei a ti um mensageiro. Não faças nada hediondo, não fiques desatinado, não sejas teu próprio carrasco. Não faças nada com fúnebres corolários
Teu amigo e conselheiro,
Frei Lourenço
His forward-looking-attitiude without-a-doubt makes him an asset to the committee.
The answer of part A is letter A.
The answer of part B is letter B.
Because this poem is about the individuality and the freedom that comes with retaining one's own personal identity. Julio Noboa works with a metaphor, to imagine himself as a weed. And the weed will never be like the flowers, the weed, like himself, will be ugly, but able to reach places that the flowers would never be.
He claims that those who are like flowers are circumscribed by the rules of a constraining society. In the other hand, those, like himself, who are like weed, might be seen as ugly and smelly, however, they are singular individuals and they retain their own particularities and individual freedoms. They are society values free people. Living and making their own rules.