The root system is always adventitious. The stem is either underground or aerial. The leaves may be microphylls or megaphylls. Their other common characteristics include vascular plant apomorphies (e.g., vascular tissue) and land plant plesiomorphies (e.g., spore dispersal and the absence of seeds).
Tropical Rain forest -> Temperate Forest -> Taiga -> Tundra
cohesive force
The first three forces are also collectively called van Der Waals forces. All of the inter molecular forces that hold a liquid together.
E) Either anaphase I or II
Failure of segregation of homologous chromosomes during anaphase I or failure of segregation of sister chromatids during anaphase II leads to the presence of the abnormal number of chromosomes in resultant gametes. In the given example, the egg mother cell with 48 chromosomes (24 pairs) would enter meiosis I but the failure of one pair of homologous chromosomes to segregate from each other followed by normal meiosis II would result in the formation of two gametes with one extra chromosome and two gametes with one less chromosome.
On the other hand, if the nondisjunction occurs at anaphase II of meiosis II, two normal gametes, one gamete with one extra chromosome and one gamete with one less chromosome will be formed. Therefore, nondisjunction at anaphase I or anaphase II would have resulted in the production of eggs with one extra chromosome.
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