Repetition without rhyme of vowel sounds in stressed syllables (whereas alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds) Example. ... poetry that has meter (rhythm) but doesn't rhyme. It is poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Blank verse is not the same as free verse.
Why are their numbers declining?
The combined impacts of habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, habitat degradation, human population growth, poaching, disease, war and civil unrest threaten the remaining giraffe numbers and their distribution throughout Africa.
antony sends his servant to respectfully tell Brutus that
Antony loves and honors him, as he did Caesar. Then
the servant says that if Antony can safely come and
inquire about Caesar's death, then Antony will be loyal
to Brutus.
Explanation: let me know when you get right
in please just say thanks