a felony is punishable by imprisonment in a state prison or penitentiary. A misdemeanor is generally a crime that is punishable for a year or less in prison, or only in a county or local jail.
"Our greatest glory is not never falling, by in rising every time we fall" is referring to resilience and being able to "rise" to the occasion despite having set backs and challenges or "every time we fall". Challenges and set backs can help shape us which is why learning from them is "Our greatest glory".
League of nations was crated to prevent wars, settling disputes through diplomacy and negotiation and to improve global welfare.
Commune, a town in medieval western Europe that acquired self-governing municipal institutions. During the central and later period of the Middle Ages most of the towns west of the Baltic Sea in the north and the Adriatic Sea in the south acquired municipal institutions that have been loosely designated as communal.