The synonym for term port is seaport
The following code is written in Java. It is hard to fully create the code without the rest of the needed code including the T class and the Measurable interface. Regardless the following code can be implemented if you have that code available.
public static T minmax(ArrayList<T> mylist) {
T min = new T();
T max = new T();
for (int x = 0; x < mylist.size(); x++) {
if (mylist.get(x) > max) {
max = mylist.get(x);
} else if (mylist.get(x) < min) {
min = mylist.get(x);
return (min, max);
<span>You can view documents across all print queues and print devices.
To change the background color, select the form in Visual Studio and locate the BackColor property in the Properties panel. There are a number of ways to specify a color. Color by name - Simply type in a color name into the BackColor value field (for example Red, Yellow, Cyan etc).