Mmm what are u talking abouy
a software program for storing, managing, and retrieving information
for better future and attractive human life
I would have to say it would be a PDA, because they generally arent much bigger than a cell phone. at least mine is pretty small anyway. there are certain brands that make larger ones almost the size of a tablet, but in general terms, PDAs are usually pretty small. hope this helps.
import sys
coins = { "quarters" : 25, "dimes" : 10, "nickels" : 5, "pennies" : 1 }
def mkChange( balance, coin ):
qty = balance // coins[ coin ]
if( qty ):
print( str( qty ) + ' ' + coin )
return( balance % coins[ coin ] )
if( __name__ == "__main__" ):
if( len( sys.argv ) == 2 ):
balance = int( sys.argv[ 1 ] )
balance = mkChange( balance, "quarters" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "dimes" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "nickels" )
balance = mkChange( balance, "pennies" )
sys.stderr.write( "\nusage: " + sys.argv[ 0 ] + " <change owed>\n" )