Caucasian Americans have historically been discriminated against in American history. For example, just this week the President of the United States of America stated that he would only hire an African American Woman to become the next member of the Supreme Court. That is obviously discriminatory against Caucasion Americans and Americans of European ethnicity. But it is not just the actions of the President of the United States, but also the actions of the academic and professional worlds. In Acadmia, colleges will actively seek out students of diverse backgrounds, discriminating against Caucasian, European Americans. This is a totally discriminatory practice, but all together very common in the US. In addition to this racist practice, businesses in the private sector are no longer allowed to ask about your race or ethnicity which means they can no longer give preferential treatment to European Americans. This is hugely discriminatory when it comes to maintaining the exclusitivity of the all american work force. Without this type of questions, hiring managers may never interview caucasian americans like Billy, Bobby, or Chad. These discriminatory practices have no business in the USA. We need to make systemic changes so that we never again see these discriminatory practices.
hope this helped you!! just a personal opinion as well !
Regional integration is the process by which two or more nation-states agree to co-operate and work closely together to achieve peace, stability and wealth.
Usually integration involves one or more written agreements that describe the areas of cooperation in detail, as well as some coordinating bodies representing the countries involved.
This co-operation usually begins with economic integration and as it continues, comes to include political integration. We can describe integration as a scale, with 0 representing no integration at all between two or more countries. Ten would represent complete integration between two or more countries. This means that the integrating states would actually become a new country — in other words, total integration.
a. m. rose (ed.) human behaviour and social processes (pp.128-147). London: Routledge and Kegan Paul is related with "The Meaning of Contemplation for Social Qualitative Research".
<h3>What was written in that book?</h3>
In this work, contemplative reflection in qualitative social research is described. It considers the ways in which the researcher's fundamental assumptions can be analyzed and bracketed in order to shed light on the process by which knowledge is produced, with an emphasis on the researcher's experiences, including sensory and emotional experiences, and the work of the mind in the investigative process. The author discusses the crucial role of subjectivity in qualitative research and offers inspiration for more attentive research through an examination of the techniques of meditation, auto-observation and self-reports, epoché, "contemplative memoing," and the contemplative diary. Thus, it will be interesting to sociology, anthropology, and geography academics who are interested in phenomenology, research techniques, and the function of the mind in the research process.
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