Archduke Franz Ferdinand
thats whats my book said...
Okay, so obviously nuclear weapons proved to be a threat that would possibly destroy the world. The Soviet Union and the United States build up a stockpile of nuclear weapons and used the fact that the world may be destroyed to keep the other country at bay.
C. wanted to establish a French Republic.
The radicals in France wanted to overthrow the monarchy and establish a republic form of government to mimic that of the United States.
Moderates believed a republic was too far of a leap for a country with the tradition of monarchy. They wanted to create a parliamentary system like Great Britain that would maintain a monarchy and have representation. Conservatives wanted to maintain the monarchy and as a result were often the target of the radical government. Robespierre and the Jacobins launched a government meant to be a republic which turned into a dictatorship filled with bloodshed at the blade of the guillotine.
It was a four-way race election. Woodrow Wilson (democratic), Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive), William Howard Taft (Republican), and Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) ran against each other.
Benjamin Franklin : discovered electricity
Alexander Grahambell : Invented the telephone