I believed the answer is 4. It makes sense because, after the agricultural revolution, people switched from hunting and gathering to crops and needed necessary tools to do that. Number 1 doesn't really make sense because in the Classical Era, they created religions early, so it's not it. B doesn't really make sense and 3 is wrong because they still used animals.
In general, they were able to find out what his last meal was in his stomach, since he was so well preserved. In fact, he's the oldest and most well preserved mummy to be discovered.
They also learned he was killed by a blow to the head, perhaps by an enemy tribesman. They also gained knowledge of his burial rituals and a clear view on everyday life during the prehistoric age.
They've also been able to extract blood from him, the oldest blood sample ever retrieved. It sheds new light on his death and may change the way police study blood found in modern crime scenes.
Fascism is a complex ideology. There are many definitions of fascism; some people describe it as a type or set of political actions, a political philosophy or a mass movement. Most definitions agree that fascism is authoritarian and promotes nationalism at all costs, but its basic characteristics are a matter of debate.
The Bush Doctrine was a doctrine of preemption that involved both a major assertion of Presidential authority and potentially lowering the threshold of war.
Unquestionably threatened to weaken, even destroy important internal checks on presidential power