Because its cost money to do things like make material changes
El objetivo de la Ecología Política, como campo de estudio, es analizar los conflictos socioambientales y cómo el poder político incide en ellos. Ante un escenario en el cual el extractivismo está puesto en discusión por los daños ambientales y sociales que genera, y por la casi nula capacidad de generar un desarrollo sustentable, las acciones del ecologismo popular o ecologismo de los pobres e indígenas son más eficaces para conseguir una economía menos insostenible y más ecológica
Good morning! So I noticed your comment that your not really sure what domestic disturbance is? So that’s basically any kind of noise or argument. That’s inside of the house or out. If a juvenile were to through a rock specifically at his neighbor it would be assault (and battery) because you would have physical contact with that person... so therefore if a Juvenile throughs a rock at his neighbor it would be considered as assault and battery. Domestic disturbance is mostly considered a noise complaint to be honest.... good luck!! Hopefully this helps!! Please mark brain if this is what you were looking for;)