Hello! I’m doing okay kind of tired how are you?
On average, 24 people per minute.
So you can have a just government and there's no confusion.
I hope someone can help you with a more detailed response!
And the January jobs numbers came out today. And while we are grateful for everyone who found work and is earning a paycheck, it is very clear our economy is still in trouble. We added just 6,000 private sector jobs in the country last month. Overall, we added 49,000 jobs. And this at a time when we have more than 10 million people out of work, 4 million people have been out of work for six months or longer, and 2.5 million women have been driven from the workforce. Fifteen million Americans are behind in their rental payments. Twenty-four million adults and twelve million children literally don’t have enough food to eat.
At night, if you leave a brightly lit place, you should Drive slowly until your eyes adjust to the darkness.
<u>The Traffic death rate at night is three times greater at Night.</u>
<u>The vision of the person driving at night is limited(Due to the limitation of the peripheral vision),Fatigue(dull concentration and slow reaction time) is another reason that adds on to risk of night driving</u>
The National Safety Council,
has issued certain guidelines for night driving:
- Low beam lights to be used when following others at night.
- High Beam light to be used when driving on open highways or rural areas.
- <u>When leaving a brightly lit place,drive slowly until your vision adjust to the darknes</u>s.
- Dim high beam light at-least from a distance of 500ft from an oncoming vehicle.
Answer is (C) Drive slowly until your eyes adjust to the darkness.