On September 5, 1774, delegates from each of the 13 colonies except for Georgia (which was fighting a Native-American uprising and was dependent on the British for military supplies) met in Philadelphia as the First Continental Congress to organize colonial resistance to Parliament’s Coercive Acts. The delegates included a number of future luminaries, such as future presidents John Adams (1735-1826) of Massachusetts and George Washington (1732-99) of Virginia, and future U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice and diplomat John Jay (1745-1829) of New York. The Congress was structured with emphasis on the equality of participants, and to promote free debate. After much discussion, the Congress issued a Declaration of Rights, affirming its loyalty to the British Crown but disputing the British Parliament’s right to tax it. The Congress also passed the Articles of Association, which called on the colonies to stop importing goods from the British Isles beginning on December 1, 1774, if the Coercive Acts were not repealed. Should Britain fail to redress the colonists’ grievances in a timely manner, the Congress declared, then it would reconvene on May 10, 1775, and the colonies would cease to export goods to Britain on September 10, 1775. After proclaiming these measures, the First Continental Congress disbanded on October 26, 1774.
When the Monroe Doctrine was written, the US had just formed and was not ready to fight the European powers. Monroe basically asked Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere because they were afraid of getting attacked.
The creator, James Monroe, was interested in keeping the United States out of a war it was not prepared for. Though it was out of fear, there was some thinking through; people voted on it, after all.
Note that by "afraid of getting attacked," I not only mean getting attacked through soldiers and cannons but also by taking over nearby areas and competing with the US for natural resources.
When the proper court determines that a legislative act (a law) conflicts with the constitution, it finds that law unconstitutional and declares it void in whole or in part. This is called judicial review.szszf
A is the correct answer.
The Allies declared after the Potsdam Summit that the only surrender they would accept from the Axis powers was an unconditional surrender, that is, one without any conditions attached it to be the surrendering party.
Truman was fully briefed about Japan's resolve and had to weigh that in deciding where and how to force Japan into an unconditional surrender. If they had not dropped the bomb, preparations were being made to land an invasion force.
That’s because everybody stopped