mike marson is other first african American intergrated a sport
Los primeros dramaturgos de los que se tiene referencia en la literatura occidental son los antiguos griegos, y las representaciones más antiguas datan del siglo V a. C.. Estas obras son consideradas clásicas y todavía son leídas como puntos de referencia. Notables entre ellos están Esquilo, Sófocles, Eurípides y Aristófanes.
Años más tarde, el teatro es adoptado por el Imperio Romano, aunque lo hará por su naturaleza pedagógica que transformará en propagandística -por su capacidad romanizadora- y su potencial como entretenimiento. Sus autores más destacados son: Livio Andrónico, Nevio, Plauto, Terencio y Séneca.
Bamboo plants
Sun dried mud
Answer: The period of <u>RECONSTRUCTION</u> after the Civil War.
The Freedmen's Bureau was established by Congress in 1865, in the aftermath of the Civil War. The aim of the Bureau was to provide assistance to former black slaves (as well as poor whites) in the South during the Reconstruction period. The Freedmen’s Bureau provided food and housing, established schools, and made medical and legal assistance available. There was an intention of settling former slaves on land confiscated or abandoned during the war, but that didn't materialize. Radical Republicans took over dominance in Congress and they determined that confiscated lands in the South should be returned to their original owners.
Research shows that learning a second language like Spanish improves communication and empathy. Bilingual preschoolers who enroll in a language immersion program could develop these social skills and foster life-long friendships.