It illustrates the placement of materials to make the sequence of tasks clear.
Deepak told that he cannot solve the question.
said changes into told and according to the rules name changes into 1st person.
Danforth asks John proctor if he is going to confess to witchcraft saying "I have seen your power;you will not deny it'', John proctor replies that
"God is dead! " and continues while laughing insanely.
A simile is first defined as a type of speech that uses one thing or
phrase with comparisons to things of an unrelated kind, often in order
to make a more vivacious description. So of the phrases above, only the
last one (I swear she cast a shadow white as stone) would be considered a
simile, as a shadow white as stone takes two unrelated things and uses
them in an interesting way.
Please wash your hands before every meal.