At that time, cotton was considered as cash crops. Is the type of agricultural crop that generate high amount of income with very little investment /efforts. Many southern plantations sold the cottons to Other manufacturers in Europe since they need it as materials for textiles, outdoor equipment's, and beds.
This made a lot of plantation owners in the South had a need to obtain lands in order to open up new factories. A lot of lands near them at that time owned by Native Americans. So, the government forcefully removed the natives from the ancestral land and move them to reservation.
You are not required to go to college, but Samuel is doing it anyway
Yes, this is true!
One of the reasons why this is true is that the person starts to be independent then, so they no longer describe themselves with respect to their parents.
Another reason is that they by this time have developed personal characteristics upon which they can base their identity.
The violation of human rights implies in situations of loss of freedom, violence and social inequality, being a social problem that must be actively fought.
<h3 /><h3>What are human rights?</h3>
They correspond to the rights inherent to all citizens, being superior to the rights of the State, in order to maintain the protection of individuals and society. For example, the right to:
- Life
- Freedom
- Job
- Freedom of expression
When a right is violated, such as gender-based violence, there is a violation of essential human rights, since every human being must be free and not suffer torture or any situation that implies their safety.
Therefore, it is essential that there is greater control and implementation of strict policies for the promotion and protection of human rights.
Find out more about human rights here:
structure and its language, the Constitution expressed six basic principles of governing. These principles are popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, and federalism.