This person that is called on to testify during a trial must have the knowledge or skills in the field that is relevant to the case. A psychologist may be asked to serve as a consultant to an attorney or to a testifying psychologist. This can be used to determine if someone is being truthful or if they are being deceitful. They can be appointed by the court and they can sort through claims that are conflicting or if a conclusion cannot be reached. He is there to express his opinion based on his knowledge and education.
Full print because is you notice a full print you can see clearly who the person actually was that created the scene .
Green Legislatures (Full-time, well-paid, large staff)
Green legislatures require the most time of legislators, usually 80 percent or more of a full-time job. They have large staffs. In most Green states, legislators are paid enough to make a living without requiring outside income. These legislatures are more similar to Congress than are the other state legislatures. Most of the nation's largest population states fall in this category. Because there are marked differences within the category, we have subdivided the Green states. Those in Green generally spend more time on the job because their sessions are longer and their districts larger than those in Green Lite. As a result, they tend to have more staff and are compensated at a higher rate. Within subcategories, states are listed alphabetically.
Mark brainliest plzzzz
yes that is true that they would have to treat it like a home