The answer in the space provided is intimacy. As intimacy
arises and intensify during early adolescent stage for teenagers feel the need
of having to have close relationship in terms of physical and emotional with
friends for not having such bond will drive teenagers to feel depress and
heyy cómo estás y por favor explica más porque realmente no me distingo.
Answer:liberal feminism perspective
Explanation:Liberal feminism is focused intensely on equality within the workplace, in education and in political rights.Liberal feminism also focuses individual person and their own private life and how this can have an impact on public equality.
Liberal feminism supports equality in marriage and enhanced male parents involvement in child care.
They also support an individual decision on controlling one's own life in a way that one feels is right for them. Their main concern is that private issues of inequality are what lead to public inequality.
This phenomenon refers to situational where the best employees leave a job because they feel their productivity is higher than they are bring paid for. Conversely, the lesser attractive employees stay because they are being paid equitably or even more than their productivity.
The effect of this can be even more reduced productivity.
For example,
Parrain Inc in response to low productivity drops salaries to $10 an hour for the manufacturing of pencils. Each employee is required to make 30 pencils an hour. Some employees make 40 pencils an hour and feel they are not being well compensated and leave.
This will drop the amount of pencils Parrain Inc is producing. They respond by reducing salaries again which now prompts those that were making 35 pencils an hour to leave. Productivity drops again and the cycle repeats.