Supremacy clause precisely
means that the Constitution of the United States is the Supreme law of the
Land. Although in general the states or federal government will have power over
the citizens or in their respective jurisdictions. In case of any dispute
between states or states and federal government, supremacy clause<span> tells that federal laws will supersede the state law or local authority. </span>
Farmers struggled with low prices all through the 1920s, but after 1929 things began to be hard for city workers as well. After the stock market crash, many businesses started to close or to lay off workers. Many families did not have money to buy things, and consumer demand for manufactured goods fell off. Fewer families were buying new cars or household appliances. People learned to do without new clothing. Many families could not pay their rent. Some young men left home by jumping on railroad cars in search of any job they could get. Some wondered if the United States was heading for a revolution.
For most of the recorded history, or more specifically till around the period of the expansion of the Arabian Empire, it was a relative unknown for most of the the other countries. It is not that the others didn't knew the region, but the region was not of interest of any of the other countries so it was left mostly unexplored. This was due to several reasons:
- The landscape; it was and still is a desert dominated region, so it was dangerous and unattractive for most people.
- The population; there was a very small population which was predominantly nomadic so it was not of great use for the foreign countries.
- Scarcity of resources; Arabia lacked any significant resources that can increase an interest in the region, and the biggest problem of all was the lack of water since the Arabian Peninsula doesn't have a single constant river flow.
If a bill has passed in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate and has been approved by the President, or if a presidential veto has been overridden, the bill becomes a law and is enforced by the government.
Cause they believe in a society where certain people are born superior than others.