Well it was tough because they faced discrimination from most people. They needed to know someone in order to even get here and have a place to stay planned for them. Once they got here the got a job and worked non stop. Working was the most important activity because if they didn't work their family would end up homeless and starving.
John atoms and gorge Washington. People weren’t fair. They divide government to make it fair. 3 new powers that federal government gained under the constitution is money, food, and health care. Tradition, relistate, and families
Slaves were not treated as equals, slaves are already beaten, a man will only pay half the price because the slave isn’t that important, but is still important a bit for the other person to pay half the price, because the slave works and works day and night for their master.that’s all they were considered useful for.
In case that the police or any other authority proceeds against the right granted in the Fourth Ammendment, their findings, having been illegally obtained, can not be presented before any court as evidence against any individual, nor a judge could allow to have them as evidence in a trial, because this would ignore the Sixth Ammendment by violating the right to an impartial trial.