what I'm confused ???????
Answer: CIC
A call center is a customer interaction center (CIC) and it is the interface between call center agent with the customers directly. CIC are connected by the external telephone system and it uses as call center.
And the caller are basically identify by the telephone number and customer information are display in the CIC.
CIC are the modular structure for communication which include various components of CIC and framework.
Information/knowledge resources
The process of looking for answers to questions that will lead to improved knowledge about a subject is known as an inquiry. The theories of enquiry includes abduction, induction, and deduction
An inquiry can provide the reasoning behind observation by making use of the theories of inquiry and sources that provide answers (information) about the (interrelated) events of the inquiry
Therefore, information and knowledge resources are the people, materials, and places, which can be in the printed, verbal, appearance form that have the capacity to proffer answers to inquiries
Update the device driver
Devices drivers are softwares used to link a component of the computer to the operating system functionality.
It normally comes with the installed operating system, but most plug and play devices , come with a little built-in OS that runs once it is plugged in.
If a device is not recognized, update the driver software and restart the system.
No; copyright laws protect this artist's rights and I need to purchase the CD if I want it.
This is due to copyrights being applied at the time of fixation. In other words, as soon as the words or lyrics have been placed on paper, recorded or put in a computer the ARTIST is protected.