Much like a thermostat regulates the temperature inside your home the hypothalamus regulates your body temperature. (hopefully that'll help a little. all i could find)
popcorn kernels aren't living things
characteristics they have that show proof they are living organisms:
• movement when exposed to heat
• irritability/sensitivity since they react to change of temperature
• growth since when they are exposed to high temperatures they grow and become bigger
We can determine if they are living or not by:
• seeing if they respire
• seeing if they need nourishment
• seeing if they can excrete
• seeing if they can reproduce
In conclusion they aren't living things
it is a neurotoxic protein
It effects how the brain carries out daily essential life functions and hinders the medulla oblongata after long enough exposure. Also causes partial paralysis
Specialized structures such as
1. The brightly colored flowers attract insects that transfer pollen from the anther to the stigma of another plant.
2. The scented smell of flowers and their nectars also attract insect and other pollinators to them.
Reproduction refers to the way by which plants and animals produce offspring or their types. Pollination, which is the transfer of pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of the same or another flower is a vital way by which plants accomplish this.
Structures of plants such as their brightly colored flowers, the nectars produced by them, as well as their characteristic smells attract pollinators to them that, in turn, aid reproduction.