a lot of the natives suffered from these diseases causing lots of pain and destruction to the natives.
The state legislature passed Louisianas Black code at the period 1865-66
Quicksand. The treaty, though intended by Wilson to foster his 14 points and prevent another Great War, severely punished the defeated Germans, at the demand of Clemenceau of France and the Prime Minister of Britain. Inflation crippled the German economy, dissatisfied veterans tried to overthrow the government. In subsequent years, Hitler would use German citizens’ resentment toward the Versailles treaty the nation’s poverty to hate Jews and the Western nations, thus leading to WWII
Thomas Jefferson helped to develop American architecture based on Roman and Greek designs.
Neoclassical architecture is categorised by use of geometry forms on a grand scale, preferring blank walls.
Thomas Jefferson was motivated by the ancient Roman buildings and by the work of neoclassical architects. He was highly influenced by the classical and Neoclassical buildings of France. “Monticello” made by Jefferson is a perfect example of Neoclassical architecture. It is example of how symmetry is used perfectly, and the exterior has bricks. The center-hall floor plan speaks for its style and grand scale. He said that, “Architecture is my Delight”.