He (thomas edidson) obtained patents in such fields as telegraphy, phonography, electric
lighting and photography. In 1882, he designed the first hydroelectric
plant in Appleton, Wisconsin. In 1879, he and Sir Joseph Wilson Swan (in
England) simultaneously invented similar carbon filament incandescent
light bulbs. Edison improved upon Swan's design and by the end of 1880
had produced a 16-watt light bulb that would last for 1500 hours.
I know why farmers use fertilizers..... to provide nutrition for the plant
Answer: He should sell it at $945 to make a profit of 5%.
After translation of the polypeptide
in the ribosome, the polypeptide enters the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
Here, the folding of the polypeptide begins with the aid of chaperons proteins.
At the end of the RER, vesicles with the completely folded protein bud off and enters
the Golgi apparatus where the proteins are transported to its destination.