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These lamellae are remnants of osteons whose matrix components have been almost completely recycles by osteoclasts. growth of the bone.
Step one: Travel approximately 18 inches up the underside of the branch you are removing. Cut up about halfway through the branch.
Step two: Move to the top side of the branch. Choose a location an inch further out from your first cut. Carefully cut down until the branch breaks free.
Step three: Find the branch collar on your trunk. This is stem tissue around the base of the branch. . Make a complete cut with a 45-degree angle kicking out from the base of the tree.
(SOURCE Chris Lambton) Add your vocabulary words in along the way if you decide to use my answer.
Answer & Explanation:
As células sanguíneas são classificadas em três grupos básicos: os leucócitos ou glóbulos brancos, que são células de defesa integrantes do sistema imunitário; as hemácias , glóbulos vermelhos ou eritrócitos, responsáveis pelo transporte de oxigênio; e plaquetas, responsáveis pela coagulação sanguínea.
They have the same climate and similar dominant communities