La caída de la dinastía Ming fue causada por una combinación de factores, incluido un desastre económico debido a la falta de plata, una serie de desastres naturales, levantamientos campesinos y finalmente ataques del pueblo manchú.
La dinastía Ming fue la dinastía gobernante de China durante 276 años (1368–1644) tras el colapso de la dinastía Yuan dirigida por los mongoles.
Las explicaciones para la desaparición del Yuan incluyen la discriminación étnica institucionalizada contra los chinos Han que provocó resentimiento y rebelión, sobrecarga de zonas afectadas por la inflación e inundaciones masivas del río Amarillo causadas por el abandono de proyectos de riego.
Estos problemas llevaron a una revuelta popular llamada la Rebelión del Turbante Rojo, dirigida en parte por un campesino llamado Zhu Yuanzhang.
Con la dinastía Yuan derrumbándose, los grupos rebeldes en competencia comenzaron a luchar por el control del país y, por lo tanto, por el derecho a establecer una nueva dinastía, lo que Zhu hizo en 1368 después de derrotar a sus rivales en la batalla naval más grande de la historia y marchar hacia Beijing, la capital de el Yuan, haciendo que los líderes de Yuan huyan.
C because european women could not yet vote. only the rich white men
Central government should be allowed to impose taxes.
It should be allowed to impose taxes, because, there are certain projects, that only a central government can efficiently oversee and fund. Example:
- army to fight foreign powers
- any projects that benefits the country as a whole AND at the same time, benefits some states more than others. Example: continental railroad benefits the whole country, BUT you have to say, that some states get more benefit than others.
The United States desired the West because the West coast would open up the United States to Asian markets. Eastern ports connected the U.S with Europe. The West meant we could expand our trading power globally.
The population was rapidly growing in the East, Americans were running out of room, they had to move West.
Economic hardships (panics and depressions) in the East pushed Americans to the West.
The West had abundant, inexpensive, and often free, land. This not only attracted eastern Americans, but poor, landless Europeans as well.
The British had their eyes on the West as well. Prior to the Annexation of Texas, Britain had established a friendly relationship with the Republic of Texas. They were interested in trading with Texas and keeping the U.S from expanding West. In order to limit British influence in America, the United States decided to Annex Texas in 1845.
Ghana. At the time of independence at had a per capita GDP equivalent to South Korea. Unlike Japan, it continued to be an economic success in the 90's and 00's. Furthermore it is not only now one of the most democratic and liberal countries in Asia along with Japan, it has also delivered political stability not seen in Japan with brief exceptions of some phases such as the prime ministership of Junichiro Koizumi.<span>