no power to regulate commerce or trade between state.
Stanton drafted a "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments," which shemodeled after the Declaration of Independence. In the document, she called for moral, economic, and political equality for women. In 1848, she presented the document at the Seneca Falls Convention in New York
<span>many americans were convinced by</span><span> </span><span>Senator Gerald Nye's report </span><span>that a policy of isolationism was necessary.
According to Senator Gerald Nye's report, United States roles as a fire arm produced has brought a massive wealth to our nation during the time of war. If we do not isolate ourselves from the war, we could no longer sell the product to both sides</span>
Answer to question 16)
-Women nurses risked their lives for soldiers but could not vote. So their great involvement and help in the war helped them get the vote
-women had helped out a lot in the war when men were conscripted when men over a certain age were forced to go to fight for his the women had to take on the jobs of men in the United States and this proved that women were just as capable as men at accomplishing things. Because of the vital work completed by the women during the war and politicians became sympathetic to their cause and allowed them to vote.
Answer to question 17)
-They believed that their people,their country was stronger,better,and had greater willpower than other
countries,and that therefore they would inevitably triumph in any conflict with them.
Hope this helps (:
The answer is <span>the relationship in which the sexual behavior takes place, as well as cultural and economic factors.
He theorized that men put more importance on visual stimulation compared to women and tend to be able to separate sexual relationship with comitment.
He believed women tend to consider social status or financial protection when deciding to to enter a sexual relationship with a man.</span>