It may be called an urge or a strong intention.
The “color barrier” prevented black baseball players from being hired to play with white players in the Major Leagues. Describe characteristics Branch Rickey saw in Jackie Robinson that led him to believe he would be successful in Major League Baseball.
<u>Asbestos is a natural material that has been prized for centuries for its strength and resistance to flame and heat</u>.
<u>It was used during the Industrial Revolution and during the boom years during and after the World Wars in applications ranging from construction to manufacturing</u>.
<u><em>But asbestos has a dark side</em></u>. Already in Roman times, observers noted the propensity among those who worked with the material to develop serious diseases and, <u>in the mid-twentieth century</u>, was directly related to several serious and even fatal diseases.
<u><em>The correct answer is A</em></u>: <u>1960</u>.
1. Sadducees - Jewish religious group that denied existence of angels. deacon and evangelist of the early church
2. synoptic - presenting a common view
3. Pentecost - Feast of Weeks when Holy Spirit filled 120 disciples
4. scribes - lawyer
5. polytheistic - believing in many gods
6. Philip - deacon and evangelist of the early church
7. Revelation - means unveiling or uncovering
8. Samaritans - Jews who intermarried with Gentiles
9. Septuagint - Greek translation of Hebrew Scriptures
10. Holy Spirit - author of the New Testament