i believe you are correct.
a personality disorder is when you have a rigid and unhealthy pattern of thinking while a mood disorder is like depression or bipolar disorder. impulse control disorder is when you have trouble controlling feelings and behaviors and anxiety disorder is excessive worry or fear over a certain thing.
Hermine "Miep" Gies (née Santrouschitz; 15 February 1909 – 11 January 2010) (Dutch pronunciation: [ˈmip ˈxis]), was one of the Dutch citizens who hid Anne Frank, her family (Otto Frank, Margot Frank, Edith Frank-Holländer) and four other Dutch Jews (Fritz Pfeffer, Hermann van Pels, Auguste van Pels, Peter van Pels) ...
One of the most powerful bankers of his era, J.P. (John Pierpont) Morgan(1837-1913) financed railroads and helped organize U.S. Steel, General Electric and other major corporations. ... Morgan used his influence to help stabilize American financial markets during several economic crises, including the panic of 1907
Well, both countries contained ancient civilizations, Egypt being the Egyptians and Nile River Valley, and India being the Indus River Valley civilization. Also, the people of both regions had specific religious beliefs like in Egypt, they believed in, well, Egyptian gods and goddess and in India, at the time it might have been anywhere from indigenous beliefs, to Islam, to Hinduism. Both regions made important technology civilizations that impact us even today. Both regions were a culture hearth and at their peak, they thrived and prospered immensely.