The answer to -2(x-8) is 16-2x
B. y=7x+3
Step-by-step explanation:
You find the changes of y over the changes of x. y sub 2 - y sub 1 divided by x sub 2 over x sub 1. So, 17 - 10 over 2 - 1 = 7. 3 is the y-intercept. y=7x+3
Wow!!! you in college or some that $h!t looks hard
Step-by-step explanation:
Can u help me plz?
H = V0y t - 1/2 g t^2 equation for vertical height of object with initial speed (V0y = V0 sin theta)
If H is to be considered an absolute value from t = 0
h = H + 3 = V0y t - 1/2 g t^2 + 3 where h is height from ground