The ribosomes
they attach to rough endoplasmic reticulum
Some deviations from normal homeostasis activate the positive feedback loops to control the conditions which are otherwise regulated by negative feedback mechanisms.
For example, the blood levels of respiratory gases and H+ ions are regulated by a negative feedback system via chemoreceptors. The increased partial pressure of carbon dioxide gas and lowered pH or lowered partial pressure of oxygen in the blood are sense by central and peripheral chemoreceptors which in turn activate the neurons of the dorsal respiratory group (DRG).
The activated DRG triggers an increased in the rate and depth of the breathing to facilitate the inhalation of more oxygen and exhalation of CO2 to restore the normal levels.
However, hypocapnia inactivates the chemoreceptors and does not allow negative feedback to restore the normal CO2 levels in the blood.
Under such conditions, the positive feedback loop stimulates the DRG neurons more strongly in response to the increased partial pressure of CO2 above the normal levels than when the partial pressure of oxygen falls below the normal level. These dangerously lowered oxygen levels may also cause fainting.
It is necessary for the pancreas to secrete a high pH solution into the intestine in order to neutralize the acidity of the processed food particles [chyme] that are passed into the intestine and to provide a suitable pH for the enzymes in the intestines that will act on the processed food particles.
Water molecules from the less conentrated right side, will flow into the left side til they equilibrate- at equilibrium both sides will have the same concentration of solute.
In diffusion small water molecules can move across the phospholipid bilayer acts as a semi-permeable membrane into the extracellular fluid or the cytoplasm which are both hydrophilic and contain large concentrations of polar water molecules or other water-soluble compounds. Similarly, during osmosis the water passes through the membrane due to the difference in osmotic pressure on either side of the phospholipid bilayer, this means that the water moves from regions of high osmotic pressure/concentration to regions of low osmotic pressure /concentration.
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