Well knowing how the government is with security id go with A. as it makes a lot of sense unlike B and D and if they were looking for software the question would mention it
AMPERE - a unit of measure for the flow of the current in a circut
data declaration means a variable which contain data value and it can be declared as integer, float, character, double, boolean (data types).
int r;
char name;
float g;
double k= 23.34;
Option D explains the best about Olympic games. previously only few games were in Olympics but now thee are variety of games and some more games are trying to be a part of future Olympic games as well. There is no explanation about other options so we discarded those options, Which includes A) Greek mythology says that the Olympics were started by Heracles. B) Women were not allowed to watch the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. C) The ancient Olympics included sport such as running and chariot racing.
I believe its A as the image provided says plain message