1. a) A topic sentence is a sentence that conveys the meaning and main message of a paragraph. Here is a topic sentence for this paragraph: An ocean beach is a great place for relaxing and enjoying nature. b) But the dog was still growling, afraid of the strange noise.
2. There are many things to look for when proofreading, but these four would be the most important: spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure. Spelling mistakes are common not only because people often don’t know how to properly write a word (for example, writing “they’re” instead of “there”), but because it is so easy to make a lapse when writing fast. Grammar errors include verb tense errors, subject-verb agreement errors, etc. Punctuation rules prescribe where to write a comma, dot, colon, semicolon, or any other punctuation mark. Finally, sentence structure is often a problem, even for the advanced speakers of a language.
3. a) Cliché can be a word or a phrase, or even a whole sentence that has been used so frequently, by so many people, that it is devoid of meaning. It usually happens with expressions that have recently become widely accepted and popular. b) It’s such a pity you couldn’t see him on the battlefield. He was brave as a lion.
4. Brainstorming is a prewriting practice that we use when we want to come up with as many ideas as possible. We jot down, in short phrases or bulleted points, everything that comes to our mind. The point is that every idea is worth having – so we don’t cast away either of them. Eventually, we will review those ideas, and pick those that seem to be the best. Another practice would be freewriting. We do it when we want to find an inspiration. It is different from brainstorming in that we don’t jot down ideas, but our stream of thoughts – however irrelevant or incongruent they might seem. It is a technique used by great writers such as James Joyce, or Virginia Woolf.
5. d) When cleaning up a cluttered room, one has to do one thing at a time. First, I have to think hard and realize that I don’t really need half of those things that are scattered everywhere. Then, I try to collect all the garbage and put it in disposal bags. After that, it’s time to get rid of all the dust and cobweb. In comes the vacuum cleaner, and that is usually the end of it.
6. e) Humanity is a few millennia old. But never did it change more quickly than in the past few decades, with the advancement of technology. It has brought an unprecedented revolution in communication. Things that had been unimaginable, such as talking to a friend at the other side of the globe, are now a normal, everyday thing. This privilege is cheap and affordable to the great majority of the people. However, technology has created a very paradoxical situation. By making the communication swifter, easier, and more efficient than ever, it has downgraded its quality and profundity. It has become utterly normal to see silent and isolated family members at a dinner table, who don’t talk to each other, but stare at their cell phones, talking to their virtual friends and sending them photos of the meals.