I’m pretty sure the answer is A because carbon dioxide causes a solution to turn yellow and a solution that indicates no carbon dioxide would be blue instead of green.
The correct answer will be option-is read by ribosomes during the process of translation.
The DNA is a nucleic acid made up of nucleotides which serves as a genetic material of the cell. It stores the information required by the cell in the form of codons made up of nitrogenous bases. The DNA after transcription forms a messenger molecule called mRNA which is read by the ribosomes to code for specific amino acid which binds to form the proteins, the building block of the body.
Since the mRNA is read by the ribosomes during translation and not DNA directly, therefore, the selected option is the correct answer.
4. The suspected causative agent must be isolated from the diseased host and grown in pure culture
Robert Koch (1843-1910) was one of the most important bacteriologists of all time. Famous for discovering the tuberculosis bacillus (precisely on March 24, such as today, in 1882), he also discovered the cholera bacillus and is considered the founder of bacteriology. He worked on the isolation of infectious agents and reinfections from pure cultures, experiences from which he established the "Koch Postulates".
These postulates have been taken as a reference that describes the etiology of all the causative agents of an infectious disease, although they were originally used to describe only the tuberculosis bacillus. They are the following:
1- The agent must be present in each case of the disease and absent in the healthy.
2- The agent should not appear in other diseases.
3- The agent must be isolated in a pure culture from the lesions of the disease.
4- The agent has to cause the disease in an animal that can be inoculated
Physical Change, although the answer is widely disputed.
<h2>Postsynaptic </h2>
Acetylcholine receptor is a kind of integral membrane protein that has a very important role in the binding of neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine and some other. Generally, these receptors are present on the postsynaptic cells to receive acetylcholine neurotransmitter to initiate the signal in the neurons cells and some other.
Acetylcholinesterase is a kind of important enzyme that has many important functions in the dissociation of acetylcholine and some other that function as neurotransmitters. This enzyme is also present in the postsynaptic cells.