1.Choose a clear central message 2. Embrace conflict 3.Have a clear structure
I am very much confused too
There is like no picture or anything to lead up to the question.
All four questions are explained below :
- The types of programming language are: Procedural Programming Language, Functional Programming Language
, Object-oriented Programming Language, Scripting Programming Language,Logic Programming Language. For example: C, C++, Java, FORTRAN, PHP language etc.
- Imperative language means code is executed line by line, in sequence. And declarative language means that the program itself specifies what next is to be done not how it is done.
- One line of 2nd generation is equivalent to one line of object code.
- One line of 3rd generation is equivalent to many lines of object code.
An alcohol server attending to a client in a restaurant may decide to discontinue services for many reason. When the decision to discontinue service has been made, the server should IDENTIFY A BACK UP CO WORKER who will support in the situation, in case things get out of hand. So, in this situation, the first thing to do is to SEEK FOR ASSISTANCE AND DISCONTINUE SERVICE.