If you notice indicators of potentially violent behavior in a coworker, you may absolutely speak to security perosonel or human resources.
-Their very way of life ascribed to aristocracy, i.e. their homes, way of dress, transportation, etc.-Englishmen, when visiting, considered them equals
Alex is a part-time worker
John is unemployed
Alex is a full-time student who works part-time on weekends, this means he is considered as being employed and a part of the labor force.
John is unemployed at the moment even though he has not responded to interview requests from banks. The fact that he applied to be a realtor last week, shows that he is willing to work.
Part-time workers and people who are unemployed but actively looking for work are classified as part of the labor force.
Therefore Alex and John will be counted as part of the labor force.
Population Education is the study of total number of people living in a particular place in acertain period of time .
Population is derived from French word "Populous " meaning people so population is study of people living together and education is life long knowledge