This most be on the worksheet or paper you received
Lebanon, KS, USA is located at United States country in the Towns place category with the gps coordinates of 39° 48' 35.4960'' N and 98° 33' 18.6588'' W. So it’s C. Kansas
Many people help the president manage the business of the executive branch. His most important advisers are the members of the Cabinet. Over the years, the size of the Cabinet has changed. George Washington's first Cabinet had just four secretaries. There was one each for the departments of (1) Foreign Affairs (now known as the Department of State), (2) the Treasury, (3) War (now known as the Department of Defense), and (4) an Attorney General.
The modern Cabinet has fifteen heads of departments, as well as a number of other important officials. Secretaries of Agriculture, Labor, Health and Human Services, Housing and Urban Development, Transportation, Energy, Education, and Homeland Security are among some of the other Cabinet members.
I believe it is most likely north. But, honestly, I am just making my best guess based on what I have learned about England so far..