B. Stable ecosystems
The main cause of the biodiversity experienced in rain forests is largely due to the stable ecosystems that they enjoy.
A stable ecosystem is a sustainable one that does not change too much over the course of time.
Most organisms and the diverse life forms are easily nourished by the provisions made available by nature in such regions.
- Most rain forest receives a large amount of solar radiation and energy all year round as the sun is directly overhead here.
- This suggests that the producers have enough energy to cater for their own need and that of the organisms there in.
- The consumers and decomposers have sufficient food available all year round.
- This coupled with other factors whereby organisms have specially adapted to environmental conditions makes a rain forest very biodiverse with life forms.
- An unstable ecosystem cannot be biodiverse
Bones are tissues that provide the body with rigidity. It also acts as the body's supporting structure.
The bone helps to maintain the body's shape at all times and provide a surface for the attachment of muscles. Joints are the points of contact between two bones. The bones, muscles and joints are very important in the locomotion(movement) process because there’s a synergy between them.
Predators have to eat. If things are good in an eco-system then the prey is eating good which means the predators can eat good also. Starvation means that things in the eco-system are going bad. Also, It helps the earth maintain its balance. If too much of any aspect of the system is removed it throws the whole thing off balance. too many herbivores will eat too much vegetation.
Landslides occur under the effect of gravity. When a mass of rock or earth slides down from a mountain or from a cliff then this phenomenon is termed as Landslide.
Landslides are considered to be a rapid method of erosion. Wind, waves, running water, glaciers and gravity are the five agents of erosion out of which the gravity influences the process of Landslides.
Landslides occur suddenly and are dangerous example of the movement of earth materials under the influence of gravity. When weathered material falls away from a cliff, it slides down under the effect of gravity and finally after reaching the hill, the material gets deposited there. This is called Deposition by landslides.