<span>1. The majority of
American people had a nonchalant attitude towards America's involvement in the
war before the fateful day of the Pearl Harbor bombing on December 7, 1941.
They were aware that a war was going on but did not feel its reality until that
incident. It united the nation overnight. Every citizen was then thinking of
how to contribute to winning the war. Even the industry was focused on
manufacturing war equipment, car production in Detroit was put to a halt for
the manufacturers to start producing planes instead of cars, and the media also
became focused on the war, movies and news centred on World War II.
2. The Pearl Harbor military base was, of course, destroyed right after the
attack, the human casualties was a staggering 2,335, the destroyed and damaged
ships, submarines, aircraft, and cruisers were a great loss to America's
armada. However, the Pearl Harbor now represents a memento of how the nation
acted and became united during the 2nd World War, it has remained an American
Naval Base, which is also open to civilians to visit especially on Pearl Harbor
Is this the hole question
The Authoratative or Democratic Parenting style.
a. Anglos welcomed Juan Seguín, Tejano supporter of Texas independence, as mayor of San Antonio.
Juan Seguín played an important role in the Texas revolution as a soldier and a politician.
He was elected as alderman in December 1828 where he served on various electoral boards. Later in December 1833, he was elected as Alcade. He became a Texas senator at the end of 1837 and was later elected Mayor of San Antonio in 1840.