Ancient Grecian Government
Ancient Greece was the beginning of democracy. In 507 BC Cleisthenes introduced a new form of government and principle which was "rule by the people" and leaders were elected.
This system was divided into three groups: writers of the laws, a council of representatives from each tribe, and courts where citizens argued cases before randomly-selected jurors.
Ancient Roman Government
Roman government went through many changes during its existence including city state, kingdom, republic, and imperial periods. Its main principle was that of "republic" in which leaders were elected and only for a limited time.
Like the Greeks, the Republican Roman government had three separate branches of government but they operated a little bit differently: legislative (makes laws) with the Senate and assemblies, executive (enforces laws) led by two consuls, and judicial (interprets laws) with eight judges.
Gold,spices,slaves hope i helped
America is at war. We have been fighting drug abuse for almost a century. Four Presidents have personally waged war on drugs. Unfortunately, it is a war that we are losing. Drug abusers continue to fill our courts, hospitals, and prisons. The drug trade causes violent crime that ravages our neighborhoods. Children of drug abusers are neglected, abused, and even abandoned. The only beneficiaries of this war are organized crime members and drug dealers.
<span>The United States has focused its efforts on the criminalization of drug use and trafficker's coming from Mexico. The government has spent billions of dollars trying to get rid the supply of drugs coming into our country. These intervention efforts and law enforcement attempts to control the drugs have not been successful nor have they met with decreases in the availability of drugs in America. There are actually more drugs now than ever before! Apart from being super expensive, drug law and drug enforcement has been counterproductive, it does not work. Our current drug laws need to be reviewed and revamped so that they are more effective or are a deterrent to those to bring drug into the US. The United States needs to shift spending from law enforcement and penalization to education, treatment, and prevention.</span>
It takes 24hrs for it to hatch