If you find the least common denominator, that is 143. Then, you convert 2/13=22/143 and 1/11=13/143. Next, subtract 22/143-13/143=9/143 which is B
Please learn your fractions :/ they’ll be useful for the future, trust me. If you need further help to understand, idk if there is a PM feature here but if there is feel free. But I have answered 3 fraction questions for you within this hour and it’s under the high school level category??? Thank you and have a nice night.
Step-by-step explanation:
Step-by-step explanation:
Given is a trignometric equation in x, as

TO make it in one trig ratio, we can replace sin2x as 2sinx cosx
WE get now

Principal solution is 
x = ±π/2 + 2kπ, where k is any integer or
x=±pi/6 +k pi, where k is any integer.
General solution is
X=1 & Y=12
X=2 & Y=20
X=3 & Y=30