the broken rocks that sit upon the mantle are the lithosphere
1- the grass dies due to lack of food, from lack of photosynthesis from lack of sunlight
2- you danger the enviroment
bonobo and the common chimpanzee :)
Muscle tissue is a soft tissue that composes muscles in animal bodies, and gives rise to muscles' ability to contract. This is opposed to other components or tissues in muscle such as tendons or perimysium. It is formed during embryonic development through a process known as myogenesis.
<span>The answer to this question is no, everything that is ingested needs to be metabolised, unless it is a medicine specifically formulated for oral adsorption directly into the bloodstream, or in this instance the energy source is a ketonic monosaccharide. Because it is so small and a simple structure, it can enter the blood barrier directly and the body can then use this as energy.</span>