Una ración contiene: Calorías 410 21% Grasa 18g 25% Grasa saturada 3g 17%
Semáforo Nutricional.
Nutrientes Cantidad Diaria Orientativa
Azúcares 90 g
Sal 6 g
The answer is A because Brie got her mother a living thing that will provide her comfortable and someone there. The other options are inanimate objects that won’t provide relief.
Have a great Summer Ya'll
Play piano
Eat lots of junk food
and have a great time
Yes, but her children will have a high chance of also getting this disease. This is why mothers who have hiv don't breast feed their children. The fluids would easily give the baby the std
The child is very embarrassed to pee in bed, probably her parents informed her that bed peeing was not correct for a child her age and that she should avoid such behavior because it was very inappropriate. The child was embarrassed to fail to order not to pee in bed and this led to a self-assessment of this incident. From this we can state that this child is experiencing shame as a feeling of self-evaluation.