Prokaryotes are smaller and less developed compared to eukaryotes. Some of them inhabit very primitive environments that resemble earth’s early stages. Endosymbiotic theory states that eukaryotes arose by the endosymbiosis of prokaryotes.
By endosymbiont theory, eukaryotic cells arise from prokaryotic cells. Here, the theory shows that eukaryotic ancestors lived in close association with prokaryotes, wherein in some cases, prokaryotes have been engulfed and might have lived inside eukaryotes.
Upon being engulfed by a host cell as undigested prey, these prokaryotes could have been internal parasites of the eukaryotes. But, later on, their relationship becomes mutualistic and these prokaryotes become incorporated as organelles, such as in the case of chloroplasts and mitochondria, which were previously separate prokaryotes
Species like nature, it’s their habitat . their energy concerts
Answer: A geneticist studies a series of families in which both parents are normal and at least one child has albinism. The geneticist reasons that both parents in these families must be heterozygotes and that albinism should appear in of the children of these families. To his surprise, the geneticist finds that the frequency of albinism among me children of these families is considerably greater "Than . Can you think of an explanation for the Thigher-than-expected frequency of albinism among These families?
1. Progeny observed in the experiment is calculated by adding all the progeny numbers observed in the :
Normal normal dark 370
normal normal light 32
early normal light 971
early normal dark 28
early reduced dark 25
early reduced light 483
normal reduced light 36
normal reduced dark 810
PROGENCY <u>2755</u>
2. The locus in the center is TIME TO FRUIT. Tendril size is at the beginning of the locus and the distance between the locus B and locus C is R2