Sexual reproduction would create the most diversity among a population
Mildew thrives in damp, wet places like basements, attics and closed closets -- so strive to keep clothing as clean and dry as possible at all times. Clothing with grease or soiled spots encourages mildew growth, so don't leave dirty clothes on the floor or in the washing machine.
Asynchronous Learning is when each student works at their own pace, and may not collaborate on work in class meetings, so the correct answer here would be D!
During metaphase 1, the spindle fibers attach to the centromeres of each chromosome. Both kinetochores of each sister chromatid pair are turned toward the same pole. And 2 members of each chromosome pair (sister chromatids) are pulled into each new cell during anaphase 1.
I think the answer you want is they are called chromatids.
Mushrooms and shelf fungi are classified as cup fungi.