<span>But a bicameral legislature provided the perfect opportunity for compromise—in fact, for "The Great Compromise." Small states got their equal representation in the Senate, large states got their proportional representation in the House, and everyone went home happy.
</span><span>Bicameral Structure of Congress. The Constitution created a bicameral national legislature—that is, a Congress composed of two separate chambers, the Senate and the House of Representatives. ... Each state, no matter how large or small, has equal representation (two seats each) in the Senate.</span><span>
Test nonverbal ability such as the ability to copy block design
Parents that are concerned about the possibility that their
child may have an eating disorder is advised to look for a pattern of behavior
that could point out that their child may have the disorder, one behavior that
they should watch out for is comfort around eating because this is one way of distinguishing
that an individual is likely to have an eating disorder.
The Athenian Revolution (508–507 BCE) was a popular uprising that led to the overthrow of the city's aristocratic oligarchy and the establishment of Athens' almost century-long participation democracy, which was accessible to all free male citizens
What was the outcome of the Athens agrarian crisis?
- The main issue was that the aristocracy held the majority of the land that other farmers worked on, many of those farmers owed the aristocrats an increasing amount of money, and under Attic law, anyone who was unable to pay their obligations may be forcibly sold into slavery. mage for the impact of the agrarian crisis
- Dependence on rainfall and climate, liberal agricultural product imports, loss in agricultural subsidies, difficulty obtaining finance for agriculture and reliance on money lenders, drop in government investment in the agricultural sector, and conversion of...Sep 26 2019
- The fact that there are now 8.6 million fewer farmers than ten years ago signals an agrarian disaster.
- According to the data, just 54.6% of all Indian workers are currently employed in the agriculture industry, a decrease of 3.6% from 2001. The knowledge and infrastructure gaps, particularly in rural regions,are the major problems affecting Indian agriculture today.
- Infrastructure issues with regard to markets, transportation, andirrigation all significantly increase the cost of farming.it resulted in the growth of enterprises associated to agriculture that processed, packaged, or preserved farm products.
- Trade activity expanded as food production increased.Hybrid seeds and fertilizers were used to boost food output. It caused urbanization to increase.
- After the Aegospotami fight, Sparta seized control of the Athenian empire and pocketed all of the tribute money; its allies, who had given more more during the conflict than Sparta had, received nothing.
To earn more about Athens refer
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