The market price of the security is $31.81
In order to calculate the market price of the security if its correlation coefficient with the market portfolio doubles we would have to calculate first the following:
First, calculate the dividend expected after one year with the following formula:
Next, we would have to calculate the beta of the security using the CAAPM Equation:
βi= E(ri)-rf/E(rm)-rf
Next, we have to calculate the new beta due to the change in the correlation coefficient with the following formula:
β=correlation coefficient/σm*σs
Next, Calculate the new expected return as follows:
Finally we calculate the new piece of the security as follows:
The market price of the security is $31.81
The leadership factor that is defined as giving pep talks, asking employees for advice is Motivating others.
<h3>What is Motivation?</h3>
Motivation serves as an act of giving energy to the components of the organization, it involves building up trust.
Therefore, motivation involves praising the work of employees and keeping them informed
Learn more about Motivation at;
The correct answer is D) gatefold.
In gatefold advertising it refers to that information that is displayed on more than one sheet and that needs to be fully opened in order to see the message. Generally this type of advertising is shown in physical media such as magazines and newspapers, being the first most common. This strategy allows captivating the attention of the reader to make him think exclusively about what is being promoted, since there is no different distractor.
the best possible answer is keep the marginal costs below marginal revenue.
Answer: F
Explanation: The fed funds rate is the interest rate that depository institutions—banks, savings and loans, and credit unions—charge each other for overnight loans. The discount rate is the interest rate that Federal Reserve Banks charge when they make collateralized loans—usually overnight—to depository institutions.