Try Mohammed Ali Jinnah
My b if it wasn’t it
I believe that they are the following:
1. Monarchs do not have absolute authority.
2. The monarchs must have parliament's consent to suspend laws, levy taxes, or maintain an army.
3. The monarch cannot interfere with parliamentary elections and debates.
4. The people have a right to petition the government and to have a fair and speedy trial by a jury of their peers.
C: The world depends on oil produced by Gulf countries, such as Kuwait
The Persian Gulf is a region that is very important to the world, and the reason for this is that there is lot of oil and natural gas reserves in this region. These are actually the only two things that the Persian Gulf can offer to the world, but nonetheless, they are crucial for every country's economy in the world, so there is a heavy dependence on this small region. The enormous reserves of oil and natural gas are also the main reason behind the constant conflicts in this region, but also the main reason why lot of effort is put to control and stop this conflicts.